What is the super hormone vitamin D?

Vitamin D3 is by definition not a vitamin at all, but a prohormone . Vitamins are only those substances that our body cannot produce itself and that we have to obtain from other sources. Our body, on the other hand, produces vitamin D3 itself with the help of UV-B radiation in the upper layers of the skin. While in Central Europe the intensity of sunlight required to produce vitamin D3 is between March and September in the midday hours,
our skin cannot produce any the rest of the time. Sunscreen also inhibits vitamin D3 production. Vitamin D is considered a real super hormone that plays a central role, especially in our modern times when we spend less and less time outdoors. In addition to the immune system, it also supports our general well-being. Since vitamin D transports calcium, it is extremely important for bones and teeth.
Take good care of yourself.
Yours Mag. pharm. Barbara Katanic,
pharmacist and hormone specialist
Book tip:
superhormone vitamin D
Exciting findings from vitamin D research by Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Spitz explained in a way that is understandable and suitable for everyday use. Read why the sunshine vitamin is not only relevant for osteoporosis prevention.
GU Verlag; 1st Edition (1 September 2011) | Paperback | 128 pages | ISBN-13 : 978-3833822728 | from € 10,– | Available in bookstores