With a love for what we do, many years of experience in the use of intercultural knowledge and, above all, the constant search for new healing methods, we preserve our tradition of serving people and preserving their health. Peace and harmony unite us in our work. We can only convey to the outside world what we embody ourselves.

World Pharmacy


Unsere Fachgebiete

NDT - „Natural Desiccated Thyroid“ Natürlicher Schilddrüsen-Extrakt

Bei Schilddrüsenextrakt handelt es sich um die aufbereiteten Schilddrüsen vom Schwein.Der Extrakt enthält neben den Schilddrüsenhormonen T4 und T3 ebenso alle anderen „stoffwechselaktiven“ Hormone (T2 und T1), Calcitonin, Thyreoglobulin, selenhaltIge Enzyme, Aminosäuren und geringe Mengen an organisch gebundenem Iod.

bioidentical hormones

The topic of “bioidentical hormones or bioidentical hormone therapy” has become of interest to the general public in recent years.


Compounding Pharmacy

is the art and science of producing personalized preparations


cannabidiol (CBD)

is a phytocannabinoid with therapeutic properties for numerous diseases.



is the internationally valid name for the most important active ingredient of the medicinal plant Cannabis sativa L.



Paracelsian tradition
The word 'spagyric', which comes from Greek, means: to divide, separate, part and reunite.



Traditional European Medicine
The history and use of herbal remedies in the European tradition.
