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APOWELT The magazine for healthy lifestyle of the World Pharmacy

Fall 2022 issue
Having an open ear for the wishes and suggestions of our customers was and is important to us and a matter close to our hearts. Your feedback has contributed significantly to our ability to offer you this comprehensive range of...
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Summer 2022 issue
This year we feel it especially: The seasickness and the thirst for travel. We need the feeling of freedom and lightness now. And where better to clear our heads and really breathe deeply than at the sea. With the view...
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Spring 2022 issue
The secret to beautiful, vital skin? Good genes? Yes, also! But what many people don't know is that the right hormone balance is the basic requirement for firm, plump and smooth skin. There are always phases of hormonal turbulence in...
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Winter 2021 issue
What do we need to be happy? Or better: What do we not need to be happy? Often it is the many things we have to do, the internal pressure or simply the noise of the world that distracts us...
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Fall 2021 issue
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, in times of constant change and uncertainty, small breaks help us. Moments just for us, in which we slow down, find our balance again and ground ourselves. Treat yourself to these small...
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