
The Art of Solving & Connecting

The word 'spagyric', which comes from the Greek, means: to divide, separate, part and then reconnect, reunite. This corresponds to the Latin solve et coagula. It describes the most direct and deep-rooted way in which humans approach nature and its 'things' - in search of understanding.

The second part, reunification, indicates that high quality in nature which is entirely unique to humans. The special human quality, however, lies in the fact that humans do all this with the attitude of wanting to preserve the whole, because they understand that all living things are a whole. If they lose this attitude, then from nature's point of view they lose nothing less than their human status and are more like a lonely predator. When people spoke of 'human culture' at times, they also meant that the fields, forests, gardens, tunnels and rivers were treated with appropriate respect and considered to be part of a larger context.

From this understanding, Paracelsus gave his definition of spagyrics: “The correct handling of the things of nature” and continues the image with “the highest is the medicine”. Spagyrics – in the focus of Paracelsian art

Spagyrics draws largely on the traditional understanding of the Paracelsian literature. Paracelsus Theophrastus von Hohenheim (1493–1541) was one of its most important representatives in the early modern period, which is partly due to his powerful formulations and – at the time still unusual – German-language writings. Even in his time he was considered a competent expert who succinctly summarized the foundations of this tradition in his writings (Archidoxen, Paragranum, Herbarium, etc.) and centered them on the coherence and authenticity “from the perspective of nature.” For an Ayurvedic, Tibetan or other healer, the Paracelsian terms are self-evident and the basic framework has been handed down, taught and applied for thousands of years, such as the 5 elements, the three principles (wind, fire, earth), the planetary forces, etc. "Therefore, learn spagyria, which is otherwise called alchemy, which learns to separate the false from the just," Paracelsus says as the basis for the healing arts.